Kindling Sparks
Those ephemeral moments where we ignite a slow burning flame, eagerly yearning for the next encounter to breathe life into the embers
1 hr | 1000
90 mins | 1500
2 hrs | 2000
3 hrs | 2500
Burning Desires
Those evenings after the sun sets where we create a light that burns brighter than any candle we could’ve lit, fueled by a desire so palpable we can taste it
4 hrs | 3000
5 hrs | 3500
6 hrs | 4000
14 hrs - Overnight | 5000
Blazing Ecstasy
Those extended encounters where we set ablaze a smoldering passion that claims me as yours, you as mine, and unbounded elation fills the air
24 hrs | 6500
48 hrs | 8500
72 hrs+ | Inquire
20% Deposit required at my discretion
50% Deposit for FMTY
Couples +500
20% Deposit required at my discretion - 50% Deposit for FMTY dates | Couples +500
Cancellation Policy
In the unlikely event that I have to cancel your deposit will be promptly refunded. If you have to cancel…
~ 48+ hours in advance the deposit can be applied to a future date within the next year with one reschedule per deposit
~ Less than 24 hours in advance a new deposit is required to book a date
For FMTY dates, the deposit can be applied to a future date within the next year if you have to cancel
Fly Me To You
Whether you’re sitting on a white sandy beach thinking about how I could help turn up the heat, on a business trip where your meetings leave you craving a little more excitement, living in that state way over there, while I’m over here and pondering a way to rectify that, or planning your next vacation and wondering who would be the perfect luxury travel companion to accompany you, look no further my dear. I absolutely love extended adventures, where it feels as if we have all the time in the world and are able to completely immerse ourselves in one another. I promise to wake you up with kisses if you promise to put me to sleep with the warmth of your hands as they explore every contour of my body…
Minimum date lengths for…
East Coast 3hrs
Anywhere else in the US 6hrs
International 24hrs
*Please note that airfare and round trip transportation are not included in my rates
*While first or business class is always appreciated, they’re only required for flights/train rides longer than 3 hours